Those born under these constellations open their souls wide and will support them in any situation.

Not all people are open to compassion. Some are fixated on their own emotions and unable to see the needs of others. But there are also those who have realized that there is nothing better than seeing the happiness and freedom of other people. Astrologers have compiled a ranking of the most sympathetic signs of the Zodiac.
Your heart is full of love, protection, and kindness. You show parental instinct, always ready to help and reassure those in need. Your ability to provide emotional and unconditional care makes you a reliable support for loved ones.
Pisces supports others with tears, longing, and compassion. Their ability to feel the pain of others allows them to be a support and guide for those who are suffering. They strive to help those who need it to find inner peace.
Libras are open in expressing their feelings and always put harmony at the forefront. You rejoice in successes and sympathize with the misfortunes of others. People appreciate you for your ability to find peace and balance in difficult situations, as well as for your expertise in repairing relationships.
Read also: Astrologers named the most passionate couples by zodiac sign
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- На Закарпатті і досі фіксують загрозу в одному із міст: про що йдеться й кому варто остерігатись?
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- Вогонь у тилу: Закарпаття в біді в результаті масштабних пожеж у всіх районах
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