Those born under these constellations are by nature those who "feed" on the energy of the people around them.

Among the representatives of these three signs, there are often characters who are able to eat at the expense of others.
Vampires are a fairy tale, vampires are a myth, although it depends on the view. It is not for nothing that after communicating with some characters, a feeling of deep fatigue and devastation comes.
Anyone who has ever experienced it will never forget what it means to meet an energy vampire. And this is not mysticism, but our gray and boring reality.
What does the zodiac sign have to do with it?
Everything is simple here, the fact is that among the representatives of these three signs, there are often characters who are able to eat at the expense of others.
Lion. Strange, strange, but unfortunately real. Many representatives of the proud Leo have a similar inclination. Some even unconsciously manage to pull a little more strength than is required from others.
This happens during communication and mostly unnoticed. Because it does not go beyond the norms of energy exchange. Because we're all a bit of a vampire and a bit of a donor, that's okay.
But there are also such Leos, after communicating with whom the only desire is to fall somewhere and pass out for twenty hours. Because fatigue snowballs.
And most likely, the representative of Leo himself did not understand or did not understand how it happened. Because those of them who understand how it works do not particularly lean on one interlocutor. And they try to take energy a little, but from a large number of people.
Virgo. With these comrades in terms of vampirism, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.
Many of the representatives of Virgo know that they have such a feature, they know how to use it perfectly when necessary. But the most annoying thing is that they can completely control the entire process.
Even for this, they do not always need to be around, it is enough to communicate for a short time... In order to later have access to food at a distance.
It is clear that not all representatives of Virgo discover and develop such a talent in themselves. Therefore, you should not once again breathe garlic on them and poke them with aspen pegs. Virgos don't like that.
Aquarius. You can't go against nature... The fact is that the representatives of Aquarius also have this interesting gift. But it is the most difficult for them in this regard.
No, it is somehow easier for Aquarians to discover, realize, understand and accept than others. But it is most dangerous to develop such a gift for them.
Because Aquarians get hooked on it most easily. The nature is something stormy, emotional, I want to get more and more emotions... And this can only be achieved quickly through negativity. For the rest, you need to put more effort.
And at the same time, the character imperceptibly deteriorates, relationships with others, loved ones cease to be so. Because no one wants to endure constant tantrums and discontent... And it is becoming more and more difficult to control the process.
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Читайте також:
- На Закарпатті і досі фіксують загрозу в одному із міст: про що йдеться й кому варто остерігатись?
- Ціна в "золотих злитках": на базарах вже торгують "смертельним" фруктом сезону. Варто бути обачним
- Небезпечного "монстра" ввезли в країну з екзотичним продуктом: чи слід боятись "чорного вбивці" жителям України?
- Вогонь у тилу: Закарпаття в біді в результаті масштабних пожеж у всіх районах
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