35-year-old Wilhelm Holkovych from Mukachevo district gave his life for his native country.
The farewell to the defender who died in the war was reported on the network.
"Today, February 17, in the village of Pavshyni, Mukachevo community, a farewell ceremony was held for the fallen Hero of Ukraine Wilhelm Holkovych.
The community, with tears in their eyes, met its defender with great pain.
The funeral rite of the fallen soldier was held in the Church of St. Christ," the statement reads.
Wilhelm Holkovych was born on November 4, 1988 in the village of Pavshyni, Mukachevo community.
In the summer of 2023, he stood up for Ukraine, serving as a soldier in military unit A4038.
On February 10, 2024, the Hero died defending the Motherland and all of us from an insidious and ruthless enemy.
According to his family and friends, Wilhelm was extremely kind, hardworking and always ready to help.
The Hero is survived by his father, brother, sister, as well as his wife and son.
The editorial board of the Voice of the Carpathians expresses its sincere condolences to the family, friends and comrades-in-arms of the fallen defender!
We will remind you that earlier we wrote that another community will say goodbye to the fallen Hero. 53-year-old defender Serhiy Gerasimenko was killed in the war.
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