This is not the first forecast and probably not the last regarding the end of the war in Ukraine, but perhaps the only one with a specific date so far.

A new forecast about the end of the war in Ukraine was shared by astrologer Vlad Ross. He believes that peace can come as early as 2025, but on one condition.
Astrologers, tarot readers, and clairvoyants continue to ask higher powers when the full-scale war in Ukraine, which Russia unleashed in 2022, will finally end. They are all sure that one day it will happen. And, according to Vlad Ross, the most likely moment for peace is the spring of 2025.
In the new forecast, the astrologer even announced the date of the cessation of hostilities. According to numerology, this could happen on May 25, 2025.
"If something started near 22.02.2022, something must end near 25.05.2025. " The prohibition of war will probably begin after this date," Ross said.
The astrologer considers the spring of next year to be favorable for the inhabitants of Ukraine. But, as Vlad warned, something may happen that will prevent the end of the war. He says that if a new conflict breaks out in the Far East, it will be an obstacle. Ross added that World War III could break out if China attacks Taiwan.
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