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When will the "God of Chaos" hit the Earth?: astronomers voiced their forecast (VIDEO)

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This asteroid used to be called the most dangerous for the earth.

When will the "God of Chaos" hit the Earth?: astronomers voiced their forecast (VIDEO)

The asteroid Apophis, once considered the most dangerous for Earth, will not hit us in 2029. However, a new study shows that the possibility of its collision with our planet in the future cannot be completely ruled out.

In 2029, Apophis will approach the Earth by 40,000 kilometers. This is much closer than the orbit of geostationary satellites. Its trajectory will be deflected by the Earth's gravity, which may lead to minor changes in its orbit, writes IFLScience.

Scientists analyzed the trajectories of 1.3 million known asteroids in the solar system to estimate the likelihood of one of them colliding with Apophis. Fortunately, the study found that no such collisions are expected over the next few years.

However, the researchers note that the risk of Apophis colliding with Earth in the future still exists. A slight deviation in its orbit due to a collision with another asteroid can cause it to become dangerous for our planet.

NASA is currently conducting the OSIRIS-APEX mission, which will explore Apophis. This mission will help scientists better understand its characteristics and composition, as well as assess the risk of its collision with Earth. 

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