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Size still matters: scientists about the most intimate part of the body of men

Rumors Transkarpathia

Scientists have done an interesting study of the male penis and stated that size plays an important role.

Size still matters: scientists about the most intimate part of the body of men

This was reported by lux.fm.

A scientist from the University of Utah, Dr. Austen Slade conducted the first-ever study that found the effect of penis size on male fertility and offspring.

The researcher collected data from 815 volunteers and compared them with the biographies of patients, finding out if they had children.

As it turned out, without any problems, men with an average size of "dignity" - about 13.4 cm - become dads. But those who were endowed by nature with more modest data (12.5 cm) had to try harder to be parents.

Thus, the doctor proved that the size of the penis does matter. But why this happens is still unclear. So far, it is hypothesized that it is due to the insufficient amount of hormones in owners of small penises.

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