Earlier it was stated that half a million men need to be mobilized in Ukraine.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy made a statement on mobilization in Ukraine and Russia. He voiced the enemy's plans and said that the Defense Forces of our country do not need to mobilize half a million Ukrainians, as previously stated, writes RBC-Ukraine.
Ukraine and Finland signed an agreement on security cooperation and long-term support in Kyiv today. After that, the presidents of the two countries, Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Alexander Stubb, held a joint press conference.
The Head of State was asked, in particular, about plans for mobilization in Ukraine. Earlier, the military stated that for the stability of the front, it is necessary to call up 500 thousand people.
"We don't need half a million. I am grateful to the Commander-in-Chief for the audit. Perhaps he found strength within the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The corresponding number of those who were not at the front, they will be at the front. As for the individual number that will be mobilized, I am not yet ready to tell you. I can say that Russia is preparing to mobilize 300,000 troops on June 1," the Ukrainian president said.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy was also asked about the strikes on Russian oil refineries, which are not supported by the United States and condemned by the UN.
"It seems to me that in order to finally understand how to survive in Kharkiv, how people can live without electricity without water. Probably, people should come, watch, and then condemn something or not. Russia, except for force, understands nothing," Zelensky said.
Read also: Mobilization age reduced in Ukraine: Zelensky signed the law
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