The pilot project has already been launched and Ukrainians can try.

The innovation will allow citizens to marry remotely via video link.
In the "Diia" program, you can choose the place, time, format and hall of the ceremony immediately after submitting the application.
Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov announced on the air of the telethon. He noted that a new service will appear in the Diia application – online marriage. At the same time, the minister once again denied the possibility of subpoenas and elections in Diia.
"No subpoenas or elections are planned," he said.
As for the new services, it will be possible to get married without physical presence.
"It will be possible to just get married in Diia via video. It will be quite technological. I won't give spoilers, but there will be a lot of interesting elements to this process. And it will be unique for the whole world," he said.
Fedorov added that such a step would be important for the Ukrainian military defending the state at the front.
The war broke many of the plans of our compatriots. This also affected weddings, which were postponed until better times, most often due to the fact that lovers were separated by hundreds of kilometers.
However, those couples for whom the desire to legitimize a relationship is more important than a magnificent wedding can do it online using the Diia application.
It will work like this:
- the future spouses fill out an application for marriage registration through the Diia application;
- the newlyweds are married by video link by an employee of the Civil Registry Office;
- the marriage record is sealed with "Diia.Signature".
The service may be in high demand for newlyweds, not only for those who are at the front, because there are many couples in Ukraine who are divided by the border, since men are not allowed to leave the country during martial law.
Read also: Conscripted Transcarpathians should prepare: who will be taken by force to the TCC and why?
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