From April 27, changes to the Traffic Rules, which have already been introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers, will come into force.

As early as next month, driving schools and service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will begin to change the sign "U" to "H" on cars for a practical exam, writes
On October 7, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted Resolution No. 1128, according to which cars for the practical exam, as well as cars on which candidates for driving are trained, must have the designation "H" and not "U", as before. The Cabinet of Ministers proceeded from the fact that there is no word "Educational" in the Ukrainian language, but there is the word "Educational".
As a reminder, in 2023, the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out a reform of the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as strengthened control over theoretical and practical exams for obtaining a driver's license. In addition, at the end of 2023, Ukrainians who want to become drivers were allowed to prepare for the theoretical exam on their own. But you can also study theory at a driving school, as before. Whichever is more convenient. Practical training of future drivers, as before, is carried out only in driving schools.
If a driver candidate wants to get a category B driver's license, then he needs to study theory for 64 hours at a driving school. The duration of one lesson on theoretical training at a driving school is 45 minutes. Practical training at the driving school for cars with a manual transmission is 40 hours, and for cars with an automatic transmission - 38 hours. The duration of one practical lesson is 60 minutes.
In the territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all cars for the practical exam must be equipped with a video system with sound recording. Video cameras must monitor all movements of the hands and feet of the driver candidate and the examiner. In addition, all classes for the theory exam must have four video cameras to monitor the entire room.
They want to minimize the waiting time for the practical exam for obtaining a driver's license by digitalizing the services of the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, increasing the number of examination cars and creating examination hubs.
Read also: Lawmakers are preparing another "surprise" for drivers: what you should know and what to prepare for
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