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The difference between Catholics and Orthodox: why do some stand in churches and others sit?

Culture Transkarpathia

Catholicism and Orthodoxy are not much different, but still such differences exist.

The difference between Catholics and Orthodox: why do some stand in churches and others sit?

The difference between Catholics and Orthodox

In the past, the influence of the church on modern civilization was almost decisive. However, the churches split in 1054, but in fact their paths diverged much earlier. The western one submitted to the Pope, the eastern one to the Byzantine patriarch, writes Ukr.Media.

Differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism

In fact, Catholicism and Orthodoxy are not so different. Both types of Christianity recognize each other's rites (i.e., the Orthodox "credit" a Catholic to his baptism, and vice versa). You can partake of the sacrament from each other (if there are no churches of your denomination nearby).

There are not so many global ideological differences. Here are the key ones:

A different view of the Trinity. We have three equal hypostases of the one God, while Catholics have the Holy Spirit proceeding from both God the Father and the Son, and as it were, occupies a "subordinate" position.

Purgatory. Catholics believe that all people will go to heaven. It's just that sinners will first go to hell, then they will be cleansed of sins in purgatory, and heaven awaits them. The Orthodox firmly insist that sinners will burn in hell to the end.

Make the sign of the cross with two or three fingers. Catholics make the sign of the cross with two fingers and pinch three. The two fingers are a symbol of the two essences of Christ: human and divine. Three fingers — Trinity. The difference is not fundamental – the Orthodox have the same symbols, the only difference is that we clamp two fingers and fold three.

Status of the Pope and Patriarch. The Orthodox patriarch is the chief clergyman. The couple Roman has the status of God's vicegerent on earth. An ordinary sinful person cannot have such a status, it is too impudent, they are sure in Orthodoxy.

Well, another important difference: to sit or stand in the temple?

Why do Catholics sit and Orthodox stand?

The question of "sitting" and "standing" is not as simple as it seems. In monasteries or at Christmas and Easter, services can go on for many hours in a row. And not everyone can withstand the standing process.

In early Christianity until the sixth century, Christians in the Eastern Church sat and prayed. Not all churches had pews, so those who prayed often sat on the floor.

But in monasteries, a stricter format began to be practiced, when the clergy and monks spent the entire service on their feet. In this way, they set an example for ordinary parishioners. After that, the format of the "standing service" was approved for all Orthodox believers.

Now there are benches in Orthodox churches, but they are few and far between, and they are designed for the sick and the elderly. A healthy person or a sitting child will be looked askance by most parishioners. Benches are more likely in case of an exception to the rule. Even the elderly try to stand on their feet throughout the service and sit down only when they are completely unable to.

The Orthodox Church believes that it is necessary to pray while standing, because:

  1. It is a symbol that we are reaching for God. And as we sit, we seem to be waiting for God to come down for us.

  2. Praying standing is already a feat, a rejection of convenience.

  3. Seating and comfort are like gluttony. When you eat tasty and eat a lot, you also want to drink, then you will be drawn to prodigal thoughts. It's the same here — you sit down and fall asleep, you don't have time to pray.

Catholics believe that it is necessary to pray while sitting, because:

  1. In comfort, you can completely relax and devote yourself to thinking about God. If you get tired, shuffle from foot to foot, you won't be up to it.

  2. We get in touch with God through our souls and brains. The main function of the body is not to disturb or distract us.

However, during the reading of the Gospel, Catholics still stand up, paying their respects.

Both Catholics and Orthodox pay a lot of attention to this distinction. They say that a rival denomination is wrong, does not understand God and the essence of communication with Him in the right way.

Finally. Is it as important how a person prays? This is a personal appeal to God. This means that she herself can choose the form in which it is more convenient for her. And if everything is formalized, taxed by intermediaries, then it is not faith that comes out, but bureaucracy. And bureaucracy is unlikely to have been invented by God, it is a purely human feature. 

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