The incident, which gained considerable publicity, happened the other day in Transcarpathia.

As previously reported by the "Voice of the Carpathians", a post about a suicide attempt in one of the institutions subordinate to the RTCC and SP began to spread on the Internet.
The infamous event happened on March 13, 2024.
According to the public relations service of the Transcarpathian OTCC and SP, citizen Khabarov E.V. was detained by representatives of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine while trying to illegally cross the border. Later, border guards took him to the RTCC and SP to clarify his military credentials.
Later, within the walls of the Khust RTCC and SP, the man attempted suicide by cutting himself on his hands. An ambulance was called, whose doctors recorded a suicide attempt.
At that time, it was noted that an official check was being carried out on this fact.
Suicide attempt, or "hand attached" to TCC employees?
The Zakarpattia TCC stated that "no physical force" was used against a citizen who tried to commit suicide in the building of the military registration and enlistment office in Khust, and the boy "could have inflicted wounds on himself for the purpose of simulation." They also added that the guy was hospitalized "in a hysterical state", he was found to have Hidazepam tablets. At the same time, the military registration and enlistment office refers to doctors who "stated, that such a condition could have been caused by drug use."
A statement with new details of the incident and the order of events in the Khust district TCC was published on the official page of the Zakarpattia regional TCC on Monday, March 18. The military registration and enlistment office named the name of the citizen around whom the scandal broke out. According to the Zakarpattia TCC, this is a 28-year-old Kharkiv resident Yevhenii Khabarov.
The TCC claims that the man was detained by border guards while trying to illegally cross the state border on Wednesday, March 13. Subsequently, he was sent to the First Department of the Khust RTCC in the city of Irshava to clarify military credentials. During the Military Medical Commission, citizen Khabarov E.V. said that he did not trust this military medical commission, and he was transferred to the RTCC in Khust to conduct a military medical commission, as stated in the TCC.
The military enlistment office called the citizen's behavior "inadequate." According to the CCC, between 3 a.m. 10 min. and 3 hours. 30 minutes. On 14.03.2024, a citizen attempted suicide in the toilets of the security company of the Khust RTC. The duty officer of the company noticed that the conscript did not leave the toilet for a long time. Opening the toilet, he noticed that the man was lying unconscious on the floor and there were traces of blood near him.
According to the military enlistment office, the man was given emergency first aid on the spot, an ambulance was called, which took the boy to the hospital.
Two criminal proceedings have been opened
Regarding the incident with a suicide attempt in the premises of the military registration and enlistment office in Khust, the police of Transcarpathia opened a criminal case under Article 120 of the Criminal Code - incitement to suicide. The Main Directorate of the National Police in Zakarpattia region also denied the information spread in various publics on social networks that police officers allegedly saw the guy being beaten.
In addition, the State Bureau of Investigation registered criminal proceedings on the case of possible abuse of office by employees of the Khust TCC and SP and employees of the Border Guard Service. (Part 5 of Article 426-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The actions of border guards and TCC employees are being checked.
In the comments under the post from the TCC, people do not hold back their emotions and sometimes even express their opinion very harshly about the high-profile incident:
Despite the official versions from the CCC, there is another side to this resonant story, which raised the ears of the entire Internet.
What does the victim's girlfriend say about the incident?
The victim's girlfriend voiced her version of events. According to her, it became known that the victim was taken away by border guards from a hotel in the city of Vynogradiv to check his identity. Then they allegedly took him to the checkpoint and began to accuse him of trying to illegally cross the border. She described this whole story on Instagram, where she noted in detail:
As it turned out, after the detention, the guy's mobile phone, documents and money were taken away.
"When asked to call and provide a lawyer, I was completely ignored. And of course, only when he signs a document that he really tried to do this, he will be allowed to call," the boy's girlfriend said.
An eyewitness immediately informed the police about the fact of the alleged abduction , giving them the phone number of the hotel, where her boyfriend and the rest of the vacationers were detained there. Law enforcement officers noted that all the detained men in the hotel were taken away for an identity check and assured that the girl's boyfriend would be fine."
Then there was the Khust TCC, where the man was beaten until his decision to kill himself. After an unsuccessful suicide attempt, the man was rescued in time and taken to the hospital. It was here, in the intensive care unit, that the girl found her boyfriend, as she notes, and, in the end, asked about all the details of the tough event.
It is currently known that a thorough investigation has been launched into the detention center's attempt to commit suicide.
It is also worth adding that the nuances of the incident were also understood by lawyer Polina Marchenko.
According to her, according to the Ukrainian legislation, there is no procedure for sending and delivering a person to the TCC in order to clarify or find out his military registration information.
Read also: "Beaten in broad daylight": men in pixels forcibly dragged a man into a minibus (VIDEO)
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