The judge of the Mizhhirya court burned on a bribe of 15 thousand hryvnias.

Former judge of the Mizhhirya court of the region Anton Ghaydur told TSN journalists how he was detained on a bribe of 15 thousand hryvnias from the plaintiff for collecting 150 thousand hryvnias of debt for unfulfilled work on the construction of a log house.
In 2022, the High Anti-Corruption Court sentenced Hajdur to 5 years in prison with confiscation of all property, he has already served one and a half years.
The judge said that he took money for a decision in a civil case in favor of the plaintiff.
"A bribe, that's it. 15 thousand hryvnias. For me to make a decision in a civil case in favor of the plaintiff. A man comes in, makes an appointment – through someone, through acquaintances, relatives. They ask to accept this person, he comes and asks to help, help, I will thank you, I will thank you. And weakly willed character. The psychological aspect plays a very important role, you need to refuse immediately, you don't need any meetings, regardless of who asks you – whether it's a godfather, or a brother, or a matchmaker. I said that I would make an objective legal decision, he said that he would thank you, I agreed, if you thank me, then you will thank you. The same plaintiff came to my office, I asked him to go to another office, started a conversation with him, he told me: this is what I promised. I put it in a folder and immediately left. And in a minute, it was NABU, eight or ten people with cameras – and that's it," said Anton Haidur.
After the court hearing, he indicated the place where to put the money.
Later, during the search, in the left pocket of the judge's jacket, they found a box with the inscription "Plasticine of 6 colors", which contained 15 thousand UAH.
The judge complains that they take such bribes that they are ashamed of their profession.
The former judge's interview begins at 9:48 a.m.:
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