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In the West of Ukraine, a border guard was exposed, who agreed to smuggle a man abroad for a bribe (PHOTOS)

Crime Ukraine

In Bukovyna, a border guard was exposed who, for a bribe, agreed to facilitate the transportation of a man of military age across the border.

In the West of Ukraine, a border guard was exposed, who agreed to smuggle a man abroad for a bribe (PHOTOS)

Given the very dynamic situation on the state border of Ukraine in the Chernivtsi region, any law enforcement agency that performs tasks in the border area is constantly subjected to insane pressure from illegal elements who are constantly looking for ways to implement their criminal plans, reports the Western Regional Department of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

From time to time, border guards receive offers of assistance in illegal activities, including the illegal transportation of persons across the border for monetary rewards. Some servicemen, unfortunately, are tempted by offers, hoping that it will never become known.

However, border guards are doing everything possible to prevent such cases and expose violators of anti-corruption legislation in their teams. Employees of the Internal and Internal Security Department "West" together with the SBI investigators under the procedural guidance of the Chernivtsi Specialized Defense Prosecutor's Office of the Western Region detained an inspector of the Border Guard Service in Chernivtsi region while he was receiving an improper benefit for assisting in the illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine with Moldova, bypassing checkpoints by a man of military age.

Border guards received operational information that the inspector of the border service agreed to help the man illegally enter the neighboring country for a monetary reward of 115 thousand hryvnias. During the transfer of funds, he was detained.

For the committed actions, the offender faces criminal liability under Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Illegal transportation of persons across the state border", which is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 3 to 9 years.

Read also: The military will be on duty: a border checkpoint is being deployed in Perechyn district, the network is dissatisfied 

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