In Mukachevo, a citizen was exposed on the sale of poisonous mercury for $25,000.
In Mukachevo, law enforcement officers exposed a native of Rivne region on the sale of a poisonous substance – mercury. The woman has already been charged under Part 4 of Art. 321 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (illegal acquisition, transportation, storage and sale of toxic substances in especially large amounts).
"The court chose a measure of restraint against her in the form of detention with the possibility of paying 363 thousand rubles. UAH of the deposit.
The prosecutor of the Mukachevo District Prosecutor's Office said that the suspect illegally purchased 2.5 kg of metallic mercury and intended to sell it in Transcarpathia. To do this, she came to Mukachevo, where she made an appointment with a potential buyer. Upon receipt of 25 thousand rubles from him. As payment for a particularly large consignment of goods, the woman was exposed and detained," the post reads.
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