Digital money, unlike paper money, leaves a digital footprint that can be tracked by regulatory authorities.

Ukraine is preparing to launch an electronic hryvnia First, the digital currency will be tested, and then the timing of its introduction will be agreed. It became known that with the help of the e-hryvnia it will be possible to easily control the financial transactions of citizens.
This is stated in the material of "Apostrophe".
Testing of the e-hryvnia will be carried out by the National Bank, after which it will decide whether it will "walk" on a permanent basis.
The e-hryvnia is not the same as the cryptocurrency, although both function on the blockchain. The main difference is that the digital currency is managed by the regulator – the NBU. The exchange rate of the e-hryvnia will be the same as that of the regular one.
However, Ukrainians will not feel the fundamental difference, because both are "virtual money".
Vitaliy Shapran, a former member of the NBU Council, noted that if the country has a modern payment system like in Ukraine, when payments are made in 5-10 minutes, it will be difficult for the consumer to notice the difference between CBDC (central bank digital currencies) and fiat national currency.
It is indicated that Ukrainians will be able to pay in electronic hryvnias using electronic wallets, which in our country at the legislative level are equated to bank accounts through applications on mobile phones. Thus, first of all, we are talking about further simplification of calculations.
However, there is an important nuance - digital money leaves a digital "footprint". Thus, information about citizens and businesses becomes available to regulatory authorities. They will be able to track the income and expenses of users of the system, so many will not like this prospect. But the world does without significant traces of the use of digital currency.
According to Shapran, the best results are shown by central banks that have offered favorable conditions for using digital currency. The results were better where CBDCs were analogous to cash in terms of transaction anonymity.
Read also: Will a trip by car become a luxury?: fuel will rise in price in Ukraine and shock the cost
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