The main gas supplier will give Ukrainians a discount on natural gas.
Ukrainians served by Naftogaz can get a discount on natural gas. It became known what needs to be done about March 15 in order to save on bills, writes
Naftogaz is the main supplier of gas to Ukraine. The company serves 98% of household consumers. The press service recalled the timely transfer of meter readings, which is the key to correct charges. If customers pay their bills online by the 15th, they will receive a 1% discount. Thus, Ukrainians left less than a day to collect their "bonus".
"Pay for the consumed gas on time. Each hryvnia paid is a stable supply of blue fuel to Ukrainians and taxes paid to support the economy of our country," the organization said.
The gas tariff in Ukraine remains fixed and has not changed due to the full-scale war – UAH 7.96/cubic meter. There is a moratorium on the rise in price of this utility service. Similarly, prices were not raised by other companies that provide gas to the population. Citizens receive blue fuel at tariffs in the range of UAH 9.99 per cubic meter.
The social norm for Ukrainians who use only a gas stove in an apartment is 9.9 cubic meters. A family of three pays Naftogaz UAH 78.8 per month. With the discount, this amount will be reduced by 79 kopecks. It seems insignificant. However, if the payment was higher, its amount will increase proportionally.
It should also be remembered that in addition to the gas itself, consumers should also pay for its delivery. The cost of this service varies depending on the region.
How to pay for gas
Payment for fuel is provided by the 25th day of each month. This can be done in one of the following ways:
- in your personal account
- in Telegram -
- in Viber -
- in self-service terminals of Oschadbank, PrivatBank and EasyPay
- in the branches of Oschadbank, FUIB and Nova Poshta.
If no one lives in the house or apartment, Naftogaz continues to charge for gas. The average monthly consumption is calculated. In this case, you need to submit meter readings that remain unchanged every month.
You should also notify the operator in writing about temporary non-residence at the place of registration. Attach documents confirming this: a copy of your passport with a mark on crossing the state border or an IDP certificate.
Read also: They can "squeeze" housing: repressive measures of the state against debtors for utilities
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