This card is required for drivers who plan to travel abroad with their own car.
The Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine has warned motorists about the rise in price of the Green Card. Its cost will increase significantly from March 15, writes
The Green Card is an international analogue of the domestic insurance policy familiar to Ukrainian motorists. In countries where car insurance is mandatory, it will save car owners from many problems with local legislation. If you travel within such a country without a Green Card, you can get a fine for not having one.
If Ukrainian gets into an accident outside the home country, the Green Card will cover the cost of compensating for losses to third parties. It should be noted that all European countries are included in the agreement on the use of the Green Card. It is also mandatory in Azerbaijan, Israel, Turkey, Morocco and Tunisia.
From March 15, Green Card fees will increase significantly.
If you are planning a visit to a European country for 15 days, then it will cost you 1120 UAH (until March 15 - 1002 UAH). Registration of the document, which will be valid for a month, will require a contribution of UAH 1783 (now UAH 1595), for three months - UAH 4812 (now UAH 3789).
If you intend to take out an international car policy for a period of one year, you should hurry. In three days, its cost will be set at UAH 12,446. Currently, you can still have time to get a Green Card for a period of one year for 8769 UAH.
Read also: Already in April: drivers will be required to install a new identification sign on cars (RESOLUTION)
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