This will be the third indexation of pensions in Ukraine during the full-scale war.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to index pensions from March 1, 2024. Denys Shmyhal also announced how much payments to Ukrainian pensioners would be raised on average.
Ukraine is preparing to carry out the third indexation of pensions during the full-scale war. This decision was made during a new meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on February 23, 2024. This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal on his Telegram channel.
"Indexation of pensions will take place from March 1. The relevant decision was made today at a meeting of the Government. This is the third indexation during the full-scale war. Pensions will be increased by almost 8%," the head of government said.
According to Shmyhal, on average, the pensions of Ukrainian pensioners will be higher by 322 hryvnias, and the average amount of payments will increase to 5,717 hryvnias.
According to the Prime Minister, the March indexation will affect more than 10 million Ukrainians. Of these, 9.5 million are civilian pensioners, almost 600,000 are employees of law enforcement agencies, and about 100,000 are victims of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Denys Shmyhal added that from April 1, pensions for working pensioners will be automatically recalculated, taking into account the updated pensionable service. As a result, another 654 thousand Ukrainians will begin to receive more. In addition, in 2024, the indexation of minimum pensions will take place.
Read also: Information from the Ministry of Energy: Ukrainians were explained what the electricity tariff will be from March 1
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