But not everything is so simple here, because you should not believe the words of persons from the occupying country.

Sources in the Kremlin have revealed the conditions under which Russian President Vladimir Putin will end the war in Ukraine. He needs a large regional center, Ukrainska Pravda writes.
It is reported that the failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive in southern Ukraine last year convinced Putin that he would be able to achieve his goal by military means. This was reported to the Russian opposition publication Meduza by two insiders in the Russian Presidential Administration.
According to them, the Russian president is convinced that his army will be able to capture Kharkiv, and this is what will be the main bet on the battlefield. If the largest city in eastern Ukraine falls, Putin may announce the end of the so-called special military operation.
However, there is another option, when he will try to make another throw at the Kyiv and end the military campaign as planned at the time of the invasion.
Meduza's sources say that Putin is not interested in the price. He is ready to carry out additional mobilization and finally put the country on a war footing.
However, there may be problems with this. Military analysts report that Russia has already reached a plateau in military production and its further increase is unlikely in the current economic realities.
The available forces and means, in their opinion, may be enough to maintain pressure at the front and conduct local offensives. However, they question the possibility of capturing a large city like Kharkiv.
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- Нітратний імпорт уже в Україні та здатен "убити": сезонний смаколик є одним з небезпечних
- На Закарпатті розпочинаються масові рейди: сховатися не вийде - тепер вистежують дронами (не ТЦК)
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- Рада ухвалила закон для тих, хто не оновив дані у ТЦК: деталі рішення
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