Technically, Google is ready to innovate.
Google is considering the option of introducing elements of artificial intelligence into the search engine. For now, these are just plans, but if AI is implemented while using it to search for content, the user will have to pay.
At the moment, the company is only exploring the possibility of using artificial intelligence in the work of a popular search engine. Technically, Google is ready for the innovation, but the company is not sure whether this will be a good marketing move.
The fact is that with the introduction of a paid search service with the involvement of AI, the answers of the search engine will become so accurate that the user will not need to go to many resources. In turn, this will lead to a drop in traffic, and therefore advertising revenue, which is Google's main source of income.
By introducing one new paid service, a company risks losing a significant portion of its profits elsewhere.
In this sense, Google can analyze the experience of its competitors from Microsoft, who have implemented the ChatGPT chatbot in the new Bing search engine. This happened about a year ago.
The search engine has become so good that it instantly gives out the information the user needs. Moreover, it analyzes information on sites in different countries, and gives a compiled answer in the user's native language.
If Google still decides to keep up with the times and introduce a search engine with artificial intelligence function, it can become part of existing paid services with a subscription, such as Gemini Advanced or Google One.
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