The Chairman of the Committee on Freedom of Speech of the Verkhovna Rada noted that such actions are possible.

Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, Chairman of the Committee on Freedom of Speech of the Verkhovna Rada, said that Ukraine may impose restrictions on TikTok if such a decision is made by partners.
Yaroslav Yurchyshyn said this in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.
Answering the question whether TikTok and Telegram can be blocked on the territory of Ukraine, Yurchyshyn noted that establishing contact with the administration and creating a control mechanism is the best option.
In particular, he gave an example when the United States discovered publics related to ISIS on Telegram: at first, Telegram also tried to ignore these facts, but a full-scale lawsuit began, and the channels were closed and the verification of accounts was removed.
As for TikTok, the head of the Verkhovna Rada committee said that if the partners impose sanctions against this Chinese service, then Ukraine can also do it – there will be a reason for this.
"On the one hand, we have such a basis for sanctions – if such sanctions are imposed in a partner country, we impose them. Everything is very difficult here, but it can be another trump card in negotiations not only with TikTok, but also with Telegram, if the United States takes such a sharp step... What, exactly, is the United States talking about? The fact that it is not known how it is collected, it is not known how it is processed, it is not known what personal data is used for. They understand that in the post-information age, it is a key resource, a key human asset," Yurchyshyn explained.
The head of the committee added that Ukraine is currently "monitoring the process."
Read also: Life hack for Windows users: how to remove the blue "screen of death"
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