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Traditions, signs, name days: March 27 in Ukraine and the world

Rumors Transkarpathia

The most interesting events that are associated with this date.

Traditions, signs, name days: March 27 in Ukraine and the world

Flying Pig Day, World Theater Day and International Whiskey Day are the most interesting events on March 27 from Korrespondent.net.

In the Gregorian calendar, March 27 is the 86th day of 2024. There are 280 days left until the end of the year.

What holidays took place in Ukraine and the world

  •   Flying Pigs Day
  •   World Theatre Day
  •   International Whiskey Day
  •   Nephrologist's Day

What events took place in Ukraine and the world

  •   1330 - Ipatiev Monastery was built.
  •   1841 - The first steam fire engine is tested.
  •   1893 - Longines registered its logo.

Who was born on the 27th of March

  •   1196 - Svyatoslav III Vsevolodovich - Grand Duke of Vladimir.
  •   1845 - Wilhelm Röntgen - German physicist, Nobel laureate
  •   1899 – Gloria Swanson, American film, theater and television actress
  •   1963 – Quentin Tarantino, American film director, actor, screenwriter, producer

Folk and ecclesiastical

The Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Benedict of Nursia. He was the founder of the Western monastic movement, the author of one of the most important statutes of the Latin tradition. In the Orthodox tradition, he is revered as a monk.

Traditions and rituals

Previously, it was customary to take care of domestic animals, since many of them began to molt these days. The cattle were taken out into the yard, cleaned and scratched, and conjured from the evil eye.


  •   If the cow is not milked well, the weather will soon deteriorate.
  •   The water level in the river has not risen - the summer will be dry.
  •   The clouds float fast and high - for good weather.
  •   Thunder on March 27 heralds a warm and fruitful summer.
  •   Our ancestors noticed that if it is frosty on this day, then spring will be cold.
  •   The fog on March 27 portends bad weather and windy summers.

Who has a name day on March 27

Name day on March 27 is celebrated: Mikhail and Rostislav.

Read also: Astrologers named the signs of the Zodiac for which April will be the worst month of 2024 

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