A 9-year-old child from the Valky community died in Kharkiv due to complications caused by influenza.
According to the director of the regional center for disease control and prevention, Lyubov Makhota, the child fell ill on March 10, the parents called the family doctor only 5 days later, and on March 27, the little patient was hospitalized in serious condition, where he died the next day, Fakty writes .
The child was diagnosed with the influenza A virus, the most common and dangerous type. Its symptoms resemble those of other respiratory viral infections, but they appear suddenly and the disease can be more severe. The child's condition was complicated by impaired immunity and overweight.
— The epidemiological season will end on May 19, so it is too early to talk about the results and conclusions. The circulation of influenza viruses and other pathogens of respiratory diseases is still active, the epidemiologist added.
Read also: A man died after a visit to the TCC: details of a terrible event in Western Ukraine (PHOTOS)
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