The Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence continues to work on the draft law on mobilization and demobilization and believes that citizens should have the right to submit their data to territorial recruitment centers in various ways.
According to the Deputy Chairman of the Committee Yegor Chernev, three options for submitting information to the TCC are being considered. In particular, as he noted, it is to come in person and update the data, do it at the ASC or register an electronic cabinet and do it online without visiting the TCC.
"It will be the duty of citizens, not a right, to update the data within 60 days from the date of entry into force of the law. All persons liable for military service must register and perform their military duty," the parliamentarian said .
He also said that three options for restrictions are currently being discussed against "evaders": a temporary ban on traveling abroad, a temporary restriction on the right to drive vehicles and blocking bank accounts. The Committee did not support the idea of blocking accounts, because it does not consider it a real effective norm.
Read also: Where men are most often given summonses: the military commissar gave a clear answer
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