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Losses of the Armed Forces, counteroffensive, weapons production, Polish provocations, negotiations with Putin and the end of the war: sensational statements of the President of Ukraine (VIDEO)

Power Ukraine

Two years of full-scale war. Two years of pain, suffering and losses. What's next?

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave a big press conference, where for the first time he declassified information about Ukrainian losses and told what international partners will finally hand over, which we have been waiting for so long.

About a personal meeting with Putin, negotiations on Ukraine's terms, as well as who leaked Ukraine's previous counteroffensive and when there will be a new one. About the most acute thing now — what will happen to mobilization and demobilization and when to expect a turning point at the front. All this is in an exclusive story for TSN.ua journalist Viktoria Hnatiuk. 

Negotiations with Putin: how realistic? 

Later, the American journalist noticed that Ukraine lacked the weapons to win and asked if it was time to sit down to negotiate personally with Putin. However, Zelensky made it clear that this is impossible, and the dictator has only one option for ending this war and how he can be pushed to do so.

Procrastination = Loss 

But Ukraine's victory depends not only on our resilience, but also on how much longer aid will be slowed down. Moreover, Joe Biden has already admitted that the lack of weapons entailed the loss of Avdiivka, and this, among other things, is the fault of the United States. So won't congressional delay cost Ukraine the loss of territory? 

Provocations from the Poles 

But while some are trying to help, others are staging provocations at the border. As you have already understood, we are talking about Poland. Farmers are still protesting at the border, pouring out Ukrainian grain, while the authorities refused Zelensky's proposal to meet right at the epicenter of the conflict at the border. Why this happened and why such protests are dangerous for the Poles themselves — see below. 

Counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

But the Armed Forces of Ukraine are also preparing for a counteroffensive. The last counteroffensive did not give all the expected results, but most importantly, the Russians were expelled from the Kharkiv region, Kherson and recaptured the bridgehead on the left bank of the Kherson region. Long-suffering Krynky  —  Russia from time to time declares that it has occupied the village, but this does not go beyond fairy tales. The Ukrainian military holds the bridgehead despite daily assaults by the Russians. But it seems that last time there were mistakes, moreover, Zelensky said that someone "leaked" the counteroffensive plan and the Kremlin knew everything in detail, now these mistakes have been taken into account. 

Draft law on mobilization 

Zelenskyy did not name how many wounded there were so that the Russians could not calculate how many soldiers are currently at the front. At the same time, now the new commander-in-chief, Oleksandr Syrskyi, is conducting a full audit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, this is one of the points of preparation for the counteroffensive, Zelensky says. As acute as the issue of reconquest of Ukrainian territories is the issue of mobilization and demobilization for those who have been at war for two years. Currently, the Verkhovna Rada has a draft law on mobilization, the saga around which has been dragging on since the end of 2023. More than 4000 amendments have already been made to the new, revised version, and it is increasingly unclear when the law will be adopted. 

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