Some are about to have Easter, while others are just passing the first week of Lent before the bright holiday of the Resurrection.

Some believers are about to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on March 31, some have just begun to prepare for it, starting the first week of Great Lent, and will celebrate Easter on May 5.
"In total, there are 1700 communities of Christian denominations in the region, including about 480 communities of the Mukachevo Eparchy of the Greek Catholic Church, about 200 communities of the Roman Catholic Church, 640 communities are undergoing changes, transitions, this is Ukrainian the Orthodox Church, which is still subordinate to the canonical connection with the Moscow Patriarchate and others," said Roman Moldavchuk, director of the Department of Strategic Communications, Nationalities and Religions of the Zakarpattia Regional Military Administration.
For more details, see the video from TV21 Ungvar:
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Читайте також:
- На Закарпатті і досі фіксують загрозу в одному із міст: про що йдеться й кому варто остерігатись?
- Ціна в "золотих злитках": на базарах вже торгують "смертельним" фруктом сезону. Варто бути обачним
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- Вогонь у тилу: Закарпаття в біді в результаті масштабних пожеж у всіх районах
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