A 16-year-old resident of the city of Ananiv, who is suspected of the brutal murder of his mother and 7-year-old sister, was detained in Odesa oblast.

According to the regional headquarters of the National Police, we are talking about a high-profile event that occurred in the Podilskyi district on April 6.
It is said that the bodies of relatives were found by another son of the woman - the first to be at the scene was an 11-year-old boy, who notified the police about the horror. In the family's house, the investigative team with the participation of a forensic medical expert found a 38-year-old woman and a 7-year-old girl dead, there were traces of bodily injuries on the bodies.
"The bodies of the mother and daughter were sent for forensic examination. Preliminarily, both victims died at the scene from acute blood loss and knife wounds," the police said.
In the course of investigative and search activities, the police established the involvement of the eldest, 16-year-old, son of the deceased in the murder. Operatives found him on the street of the city when he was walking through the streets.
It was found out that a conflict arose between the young man and his mother because of her refusal to give him pocket money. Enraged, the boy stabbed his mother several times in the neck with a kitchen knife, and threw the weapon of the crime into the oven. He did the same with his sister, who was in the next room and unwittingly witnessed the crime. To kill the girl, the attacker used another knife.
From the scene, the police seized knives, biomaterials and other material evidence relevant to the case. Forensic experts, with the help of a mobile DNA laboratory, promptly examined biological traces seized during priority investigative actions, and biological samples of the killed and the suspect. The results of the study confirmed the boy's involvement in the commission of this crime.
Having taken enough evidence, the investigators notified the young man of suspicion of premeditated murder to two persons, including a minor child (paragraphs 1 and 2 of part 2 of Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Now the defendant is in a pre-trial detention center, he has been remanded in custody for a period of 60 days.
For the crime, the teenager faces imprisonment for up to 15 years. The investigation is ongoing. As part of the criminal proceedings, a number of forensic examinations have been appointed, and other investigative actions are being carried out to establish all the circumstances of the incident.
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