In Kyiv, a man with a knife attacked employees of the Desnianskyi TCC. The incident took place on Saturday, April 6.

This is stated on the Facebook page of the Desnianskyi District TCC and SP.
"Today, April 6, 2024, at 11:50 a.m. in the city of Kyiv, a man attacked the employees of the Desnianskyi TCC. During the work of the mobile alert group on the street. At 6 Sholem Aleichem Street, the patrol spoke with a conscript. At this time, Molderf Timofey Arkadyevich, born in 1972, approached from behind and struck a blow to the head of the senior soldier Siry. Then he took a knife out of his bag and wanted to stab the senior soldier Chornenko with it. The attacker threatened and attacked," the TCC reported.
Keeping the attacker at a safe distance, the servicemen called the police on Bratislavska Street.
The investigative team of the Desnianskyi Police Department of the Main Police Department in Kyiv documented the crime and seized material evidence.
The attacker was detained.
The Investigative Department of the Desnianskyi Police Department of the Main Police Department in Kyiv initiated criminal proceedings under Part 2 of Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – carrying, manufacturing, repairing or selling daggers, Finnish knives, brass knuckles or other edged weapons without a permit provided for by law.
The attacker faces up to three years in prison.
The police noted that, in addition, the issue of entering information into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations under Art. 129 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – threat of murder. The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of arrest for up to six months or restriction of liberty for up to two years.
Read also: A wanted Ukrainian woman was detained on the border with Hungary (PHOTOS)
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