The Zakarpattia police, in cooperation with the Security Service of Ukraine and border guards, detained a 37-year-old organizer of the illegal transportation of conscripts abroad.

This was reported by the Police of Transcarpathian region.
The offender, a native of Lviv, who currently lives in Zakarpattia region, offered his services to facilitate the unimpeded crossing of the State Border to EU countries for USD 9,000.
Having found two potential clients, the attacker acted according to a predetermined plan: he ordered two men to arrive at the railway station in the city of Rakhiv, where the latter settled in a hotel. From there, the smuggler picked them up and transported them to the border village of Dilove, Rakhiv district, where he was supposed to realize his criminal intent.
Thus, in the course of control over the commission of the crime, law enforcement officers managed to detain the 37-year-old defendant while trying to smuggle clients to Romania.
The suspect was detained by the police in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and placed in a temporary detention center.
Under the procedural guidance of the Zakarpattia Specialized Defense Prosecutor's Office of the Western Region, he was served a notice of suspicion of committing a criminal offense under Part 3 of Art. 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
The offender was remanded in custody with the possibility of bail in the amount of more than UAH 200 thousand. The investigation into the case is ongoing. His possible accomplices are being established.
Read also: Garbage scandal: heads of a utility company will be tried in the West of Ukraine (PHOTOS)
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