In the Lviv region, the heads of the utility company, who for four years illegally buried garbage at the solid waste landfill in the resort village of Slavske, will be tried.

According to law enforcement officers, these actions were carried out contrary to the ban on the use of this landfill, the Police of the Lviv region reports .
In 2018, a fictitious contract for the provision of household waste removal services was concluded between the Slavske utility company and the contractor company. According to the terms of this contract, the contractors were supposed to take the garbage to the existing Stryi solid waste landfill, but in fact, the utilities used their equipment to take it for disposal to the solid waste landfill in Slavske, which was closed in 2010.
These actions led to the contamination of land plots adjacent to the landfill, the territory of the coastal protective strip and the waters of the Opir River. The amount of damage caused is almost UAH 2.8 million.
The pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings initiated under Part 2 of Article 28 - Part 2 of Article 239 (Pollution or damage to land committed by prior conspiracy) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, Part 1 of Article 239 (Pollution or damage to land) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and Part 2 of Article 367 (Official negligence) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine has been completed. The indictments have been sent to court.
The maximum penalty facing the accused is imprisonment for up to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years.
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