In Zakarpattia, the director of the company, who embezzled almost UAH 3 million for road repairs, was notified of suspicion.

This was reported by the Police of Transcarpathian region.
Investigators of the Uzhhorod District Police Department, with the operational support of the Department of Strategic Investigations and the Security Service of Ukraine, established that in June 2022, an agreement was concluded between the director of one of the utility companies of the Uzhgorod City Council and a limited liability company represented by the contractor director, under the terms of which the latter undertook to perform the functions of repairing the road surface.
During all this time, the 35-year-old native of the Kharkiv region entered inaccurate information into the design and estimate documentation and thus overestimated the actual cost and volume of work performed. By his actions, the contractor caused almost UAH 3 million in losses to the community budget.
The defendant, under the procedural guidance of the Uzhgorod District Prosecutor's Office, is charged with Parts 4, 5 of Art. 191 and Part 1 Art. 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, i.e. misappropriation and embezzlement of budget funds under martial law and forgery. The suspect faces up to 12 years in prison with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years with confiscation of property. The investigation into the case is ongoing.
Read also: In Vynogradiv region , they fought two fires in a day: the consequences are known (PHOTOS)
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