Patrol officers are accustomed to various antics of the residents of the region, but still people continue to surprise them.
"Recently, at about 6 p.m., while patrolling Ilona Zrini Street in Mukachevo, the police stopped a driver who, driving a BMW, violated traffic rules.
Communicating with the helmswoman, the patrol officers noticed obvious signs of alcohol intoxication.
During the preparation of administrative materials, the woman repeatedly offered the law enforcement officers an improper benefit in order to avoid responsibility for violations, and later tried to provide 500 hryvnias," the patrol officers said in a statement.
A number of administrative materials were drawn up against the violator:
- Under Part 1 of Art. 130 (Driving under the influence of alcohol),
- Under Part 1 of Art. 122 (Exceeding the established speed limits of vehicles by more than 20 km/h) of the Code of Administrative Offenses.
In addition, an investigative group was called to the scene due to the provision of a bribe, because the actions of the citizen show signs of a criminal offense.
See also: "They appear like mushrooms after rain": these "parasites" will get everyone, so be careful!
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