Border guards of the Volyn detachment, together with customs officers, stopped two attempts to smuggle drugs across the Ukrainian-Polish border in one day.

This was reported by the Western Regional Directorate of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.
In the first case, a 58-year-old resident of the Kyiv region tried to take 30 grams of cannabis out of Ukraine. During the inspection of the truck, which he was following through the Ustyluh checkpoint, a service dog was activated. Under the front passenger seat, the inspection team found a plastic bag with a substance of plant origin of dark green color and a metal object for consumption.
In the second case, a German citizen traveling to Ukraine took four bags of narcotic substances with him. A banned substance weighing more than 25 grams in travel bags was found by a four-legged assistant.
The findings were seized in accordance with the established procedure, and the cases are now being handled by SBU investigators.
Read also: Border guards discovered an interesting find on the Ukrainian-Romanian border (PHOTOS)
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