Uzhgorod police detained an 18-year-old suspect who inflicted serious bodily injuries on his 24-year-old acquaintance. The incident occurred during a joint vacation in the village of Tysaagtelek, Uzhgorod district.
This was reported by the Police of Transcarpathian region.
According to the police, the suspect, a native of the village of Serne, Mukachevo district, as a result of a verbal skirmish, inflicted six stab and one penetrating knife wound on an acquaintance. After that, he fled the scene and went into hiding.
Criminal police operatives quickly tracked down and detained the suspect. He was placed in a temporary detention facility in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. Material evidence – a knife – was found and seized.
Investigators of the Police Department No. 1 of the Uzhgorod District Police Department are conducting a pre-trial investigation into this fact under Part 1 of Art. 121 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. For the crime, the detainee faces up to 8 years in prison. The investigation into the case is ongoing.
Read also: Fatal accident in Western Ukraine: what details are known (PHOTOS)
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