Scammers come up with new schemes every time to swindle people out of their hard-earned money.

Telephone scammers are a kind of "parasites" that only multiply, but it is not so easy and not so rare to deal with them, the victims of such "dealers" are left with nothing, because even the police cannot cope with them.
But even despite periodic warnings from the police, more and more Ukrainians are becoming victims of fraudsters.
The Patrol Police of Transcarpathian region once again gives advice on how to protect yourself from telephone fraud.
- To avoid becoming a victim of phone scammers, stay calm and do not transfer money to anyone
- Never read out all the payment details, the code word in the bank, and even more so the CVV code over the phone.
- Be wary if someone tells you about an "accidental" win in a draw
Popular Phone Fraud Schemes
- An attacker may introduce himself as an employee of your telephone operator and ask you to dial a certain combination of numbers on your phone. The reason can be anything from disabling a randomly connected service to checking the quality of communication. In fact, you are asked to enter a combination that means transferring money to another phone number.
- Also, in order to illegally seize citizens' money, attackers report false information by phone about an event involving a relative or acquaintance - got into an accident, was detained by the police, is in the hospital, etc. To help or solve a problem, they require you to quickly transfer money or hand it over to a person who should come for it.
"Remember, report all suspicious calls and fraudulent actions of unknown persons to the police by calling 102," the police said.
Read also: They decided to "experiment" on Ukrainians: the relevant resolution was adopted by the Government
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- Торгівля органами: що ховається за 56 нирками?
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- На Закарпатті розпочинаються масові рейди: сховатися не вийде - тепер вистежують дронами (не ТЦК)
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