he morning for the police of the Zakarpattia region began with a saved life. The event happened today, around 8 o’clock, in Uzhhorod.

This was reported by the Patrol Police of Zakarpattia oblast.
Arriving at the scene, the police were met by the applicant, who said that in the morning she had noticed someone damaging her fence. The patrol also noticed that part of the fence was stained with blood.
Patrol officers immediately began to inspect the surrounding areas, and soon, following traces of blood, they found a man with a cut wrist. Police officers Pavlo Mytrovskyi and Andriy Shykula called an ambulance and promptly began to provide first aid: they bandaged the wound, applied a tourniquet and stayed with the man so that he did not faint.
As soon as the medics arrived, the citizen was hospitalized, because he lost a lot of blood. After that, the man was invited to the city department to clarify all the circumstances of the incident.
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