In Irshava, operatives of the criminal police of the Police Department No. 1 of the Khust District Police Department detained a 44-year-old local resident who was involved in the illegal trafficking of weapons and ammunition in the region.
According to intelligence, the offender was preparing to sell a batch of grenades and was looking for a client to sell the goods, the Police of Transcarpathian region reports.
In order to prevent the spread of dangerous items in the region, the police conducted a number of covert measures and detained the suspect during a meeting with a client. According to the agreement, the offender brought the buyer four grenades – F1, RGD-5, M67 and RGO, and two smoke grenades. In return, he received money.
Investigators have seized all material evidence from the scene and will send it to experts for examination. On the fact of illegal handling of weapons and ammunition by the police, under the procedural guidance of the prosecutor's office, criminal proceedings were opened under Part 1 of Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
The suspect was placed in a temporary detention center. He faces up to 7 years in prison for what he has done. The operation was carried out in cooperation with the SSU.
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