The Zakarpattia Regional Prosecutor's Office reported suspicion to the head of one of the village councils in Uzhgorod region.

She is charged with embezzlement of other people's property, including on a large scale, and forgery of official documents by prior conspiracy by a group of persons (Parts 3, 4 of Article 191, Part 2 of Article 28, Part 1 of Article 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), the Transcarpathian Regional Prosecutor's Office reports .
In the course of the investigation, the facts of embezzlement of funds from the community budget by the suspect during the repair of the premises of the shopping mall were established. During 2020-2022. There, the accident rate of the roof was eliminated and the building was reconstructed into a citizens' safety center. Its main goal is to ensure that several services that ensure the safety of the population are located in one place at once.
The total cost of all these works amounted to more than UAH 7 million. At the same time, law enforcement officers initiated a number of forensic examinations, which confirmed the existence of discrepancies between the designed and actually performed works. It was also found that the documentation contained falsified data on the cost of work and construction materials.
The unlawful actions of the official caused losses to the community of almost UAH 680 thousand. UAH. Currently, law enforcement officers are identifying other persons involved in this offense.
Further pre-trial investigation is carried out by investigators of the National Police of Zakarpattia. Operational support – Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Zakarpattia region.
Read also: In the West of Ukraine, an attacker suspected of numerous thefts from stores was exposed (PHOTOS)
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