From the actions of the doctor, it is already known about 10 male victims who were sexually abused in an unconscious state.
An endoscopist at the Irshava City Hospital in Zakarpattia is suspected of committing sexual violence against patients when they were unconscious.
The incident was reported by journalist and lawyer of the Zakarpattia Legal Aid Center Roman Kelemen, and the police confirmed the information in a comment to Ukrainska Pravda. Life".
Now there are 10 victims in the case, and all of them are men. They appealed to law enforcement officers themselves.
The police informed the doctor of suspicion. The court has already chosen a measure of restraint for him - night house arrest.
"We have registered this criminal proceeding. Now he has already been notified of suspicion under parts one and two of Article 153 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
We were contacted by the victims themselves. We have launched an investigation. The main work has already been done, then we will send the case to court," said the spokeswoman of the police of Transcarpathia, Hanna Dan.
According to human rights activist Kelemen, the doctor used medications that rendered patients unconscious, and then filmed the sexual assault on a phone camera.
He kept photos of naked patients on his phone, and also allegedly put them on the avatar of contacts.
Law enforcement officers did find photos of the victims in the doctor's phone.
"In January alone, the doctor took 260 photos of sexual abuse of patients. He was exposed by accident – one of his colleagues. And then the patient went to the police station," Kelemen writes.
The suspect himself no longer works in a medical facility. And in a comment to ZAXID.NET, the hospital management said that all the staff were shocked when they learned about the abuse of patients.
"This doctor has worked in our medical facility all his life, for 30 years. He is an endoscopist. Under anesthesia, anesthetics, he checks the stomach of patients with an endoscope. He never showed such inclinations, he was quiet and calm," Serhiy Karaslay, director of the Irshava District Hospital, told reporters.
The police opened criminal proceedings under Parts 1 and 2 of Article 153 of the Criminal Code (Repeated sexual violence). If the court proves the doctor's guilt, he faces 7 years behind bars.
At the same time, Roman Kelemen called on the Irshava hospital to conduct an official investigation and identify who from the administration was supposed to control the provision of medical services.
Read also: "I didn't even suspect that this was his last night": innocent gatherings turned into a tragedy
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