The Zakarpattia Regional Prosecutor's Office served a notice of suspicion to the forester of the Svalyava Forestry branch of extortion and receipt of illegal benefits (Part 3 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

It was established that a forest protection officer set up a scheme for the sale of illegally felled forest products to citizens outside of accounting. For this, he demanded bribes from them, the amount of which depended on the volume and class of wood.
During this year, prosecutors, together with the SBI investigators, documented several facts of the suspect's receiving an improper benefit. It was about the release of industrial timber under the guise of firewood. At the same time, the defendant expected that the volume of such supplies could reach 100 cubic meters, which would bring him up to 300 thousand cubic meters. UAH of income monthly.
The other day, during another such meeting, the forester was detained while handing over 88 thousand rubles to him. UAH. It is known that in total he managed to receive 123 thousand rubles. UAH bribe.
The court has already chosen a measure of restraint for the suspect – detention with the possibility of bail.
Further pre-trial investigation is carried out by the Sixth Investigation Department of the State Bureau of Investigation, located in Lviv, with the operational support of the SBU Regional Office and the Strategic Investigations Department in Zakarpattia region of the State Investigation Service of the National Police of Ukraine.
In accordance with Art. 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is presumed innocent of committing a crime and cannot be subjected to criminal punishment until his or her guilt is proven in accordance with the law and established by a court verdict of guilty.
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