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Scandalous fight at a school in Transcarpathia: the police qualified the incident as hooliganism

Crime Tiachiv

In the Tyachiv district, there was a fight involving several students of one of the local schools. The police received information about the incident while monitoring social networks.

Scandalous fight at a school in Transcarpathia: the police qualified the incident as hooliganism

During the preliminary inspection, law enforcement officers identified all participants in the conflict. It turned out that the fight started between two girls. A classmate who tried to disassemble them became the object of insults and obscene statements of one of the girls, which provoked further actions of the minor. Another classmate filmed everything on video, which then hit the Internet.

According to preliminary data, none of the participants in the fight was injured. After the incident, a parents' meeting was convened at the school, and the management and teaching staff were aware of the event. As a result, for failure to report the fact of bullying in an educational institution, an administrative protocol was drawn up against the director under Article 173-4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Investigators of the Tyachiv District Police Department qualified the incident under Part 1 of Art. 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, that is, as hooliganism. The police are conducting the necessary investigative actions with the employees of the educational institution, schoolchildren and their parents. Juvenile prevention officers were also involved in the case.

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