For such "trade", three detainees face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property.
Officers of the criminal police of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Transcarpathian region carried out a number of operational measures, as a result of which they exposed a group of criminals involved in the illegal seizure of expensive cars in the region.
During the investigation, it was established that the organizer of the scheme is a 42-year-old Transcarpathian, who involved two more accomplices in the crime: one of them was engaged in the manufacture and flashing of car keys; The other was responsible for the technical condition of the cars and prepared them for further sale. Customers who were ready to purchase an elite car at a reduced cost were personally searched for by the organizer outside the region.
Operatives managed to catch members of the group on the illegal seizure of a Range Rover car. The owner left his car for a long time in one of the unguarded parking lots in Uzhgorod. The attackers took advantage of this, and according to the developed scheme, stole the vehicle. They carefully checked the car for the presence of tracking devices, the so-called GPS trackers, and then hid it in different settlements of the region, changing the place from time to time. Using the capabilities of the Criminal Analysis Department, law enforcement officers established a detailed route for their movement.
Operatives of the regional police department conducted a special operation and the other day detained the suspects when they were driving a stolen Range Rover for sale. The detention took place in one of the courtyards of the city of Perechyn.
In accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, the offenders were placed in a temporary detention center. Investigators of the Uzhgorod District Police Department informed them of suspicion of committing a crime under Part 3 of Art. 289 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Today, in Uzhgorod City and District Court, the petition of the police investigator on the choice of preventive measures for the defendants was considered. According to the court ruling, the suspects were taken into custody with the possibility of bail totaling more than UAH 2 million.
The detainees face up to 12 years in prison with or without confiscation of property.
See also: A terrible accident took a human life: six crippled lives and one death (PHOTOS)
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