The increase in tariffs and utilities is spelled out in the Memorandum with the International Monetary Fund.
Ukraine receives assistance from the International Monetary Fund. The memorandum provides for a gradual increase in utility tariffs for the population. In particular, Ukraine's letter to the IMF leadership states that Ukraine allows an increase in utility tariffs for the population during the war and after its end.
It is not long to wait for the increase in the electricity tariff from 2.64 UAH/kW to 4-5 UAH/kW.
And there is also gas – from 8 thousand cubic meters. up to 10-12 thousand tons. UAH per 1000 cubic meters. Heating, water, garbage collection - everything will be pulled up automatically.
The government assures that it will use "a new methodology of tariffs and social considerations during the war." I can't even imagine what it will be, but the people of Ukraine have already experienced the "methodology" when they were allowed to disconnect consumers for debts in December 2023. The IMF and the Cabinet of Ministers call this "stabilization of the system," says Oleh Popenko, chairman of the Union of Consumers of Public Utilities.
It should be noted that the government assures that for the most socially vulnerable segments of the population, the provision of benefits and subsidies for utility bills is provided.
In addition, Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko, against the backdrop of regular shelling of energy facilities, does not rule out an increase in electricity tariffs. But as of today, there is no official decision on this.
Each such blow certainly affects the commercial part of the market. Now there are no decisions on the revision of tariffs, the fate of PSO or the export ban," says Galushchenko.
Read also: Will a trip by car become a luxury?: fuel will rise in price in Ukraine and shock the cost
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