Unfortunately, such hryvnia banknotes are already just a piece of paper, not representing any value.

In Ukraine, banks and shops have been banned from accepting some hryvnias. We are talking about badly damaged banknotes - by more than 55%, writes "The Page".
This was announced by the head of the department for the organization of the production and protection of money of the Department of Money Circulation of the NBU Valery Strochkov. They noted that ATMs sometimes do not want to accept brand new and smooth banknotes that were exchanged immediately after the issue.
However, as a rule, problems arise with "affected" banknotes - with tears, dirt, damaged by fire or water. The main thing you need to know is that most of this cash can be exchanged. But only if the "injury" on the banknote occupies less than 45% of its total area, and 55% should remain intact.
Citizens can hand over such money for exchange - in the branches of the National Bank in regional centers - in Kyiv, Odesa, Dnipro, Lviv, Kharkiv or Khmelnytskyi. The service is also available in authorized banks, which will transfer banknotes for research by the NBU.
According to Strochkov, the regulator acts according to the instructions. A certificate of fire or other emergency that led to damage to payment is required. There are cases when a simple statement describing the incident is enough.
The top manager of the National Bank advised Ukrainians to bring money in the form in which it is ours and will not try to separate the banknotes on their own. In such cases, it is more likely that the entire amount is refundable.
Valeriy Strochkov stressed that the minimum amount of compensation is 1-2 hryvnias, and the maximum is about 1.5 million hryvnias. The money was transported in a car that got into an accident and caught fire.
Read also: Will a trip by car become a luxury?: fuel will rise in price in Ukraine and shock the cost
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