The increase will be between 34% and 136% of the current level, depending on the type of fuel.
The price increase is planned to the level set in the EU and will be distributed over time until 2028.
At a meeting on Friday, March 22, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a draft law on raising excise tax rates on fuel to the minimum level established in the European Union. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Finance.
The increase will range from 34% to 136% of the current level, depending on the type of fuel, and will be spread over five years.
Currently, the excise tax rate for gasoline is 213.5 euros per 1000 liters, for diesel - 139.5 euros, autogas - 52 euros, alternative fuels - 162 euros.
The increase in excise taxes will increase budget revenues in the second half of 2024:
from fuel sales operations - by UAH 1.6 billion on average per month. Of these, UAH 1.3 billion is from excise tax and UAH 292 million from value added tax;
from transactions for the sale of intermediate products - by UAH 4.5 million per month from the excise tax.
Read also: Transcarpathians will also be affected: one of the utility tariffs will rise sharply in April
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