Jealousy pushes people to commit serious crimes.

The Prague City Court sentenced Ukrainian Anatoly M. to 18 years in prison for the murder of his ex-wife's boyfriend.
The murder took place on June 30 last year in Prague 10. As the investigation found out, Ukrainian attacked with a knife the boyfriend of his wife, with whom he was in the process of divorce at that time. He stabbed the victim three times in the head and eleven more in the chest, abdomen and shoulders. Then he also cut off the man's penis. The victim died of bleeding in a matter of minutes, writes Idnes.
According to investigators, the motive for the murder was jealousy.
The defendant himself claimed at the trial that he did not know about his wife's relationship with this man. He allegedly approached him to ask about his daughter, and there was a quarrel between them.
According to the Ukrainian, the man attacked him, and he was only defending himself.
But the court did not believe him, no evidence of a fight was found. In the end, the Ukrainian was sentenced to 18 years in prison. He was also expelled from the Czech Republic.
"This state is not interested in the presence on its territory of persons who are capable of committing such actions as the defendant committed," said Judge Vlasta Langhamerova.
The decision is not final and can be appealed to the High Court in Prague.
Read also: Shocking case in Warsaw: Ukrainian woman brutally raped in front of passers-by - media
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