Those who want to get there have until the end of the month.
The Canadian program for the simplified reception of Ukrainian refugees will not be extended for a new term.
According to Ukrinform, the Globe & Mail writes about this with reference to the words of Canadian Immigration Minister Mark Miller.
"The minister said that he does not intend to extend the urgent visa program for Ukrainians beyond the deadline, which requires those wishing to come to Canada by the end of the month," the article says.
According to him, the continuation of this program is "not actively considered."
At the same time, Miller stressed that Canada will remain "flexible" in responding to the migration aspect of the war in Ukraine.
"Operational flexibility is needed to respond to events in Ukraine," the minister said.
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- З 19 грудня діє новий закон: в Україні каратимуть за слова, жести й рухи тіла /ВІДЕО
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