The creativity of Ukrainians has long been legendary.
Czech customs officers detained a minibus with Ukrainian license plates, which was carrying 56 liters of vodka and more.
According to South Bohemian customs officers, the patrol spotted a Mercedes-Benz minibus with Ukrainian registration on the D3 highway.
They decided to stop him for inspection. There were three men in the car who said they were not carrying alcohol, drugs or cigarettes.
However, among the luggage, customs officers found approximately 56 liters of vodka and another 13 liters of drinks, which the driver identified as homemade and plum wine.
The vodka had Ukrainian excise stamps. Wine – unlabeled.
The driver told the customs officers that he was taking it all to a friend's wedding.
Alcohol was seized. Most likely, it will be disposed of. The driver of the car will have to pay tax, as well as, probably, a fine.
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