The network is replete with videos of shootings and mass panic.
On the evening of March 22, it became known about the shooting in Moscow. It happened in the concert hall "Crocus Hall City". A video was posted online from the first seconds after the start of the shooting.
The videos were shared by the Russians themselves, who were in the concert hall when it happened. It can be assumed that they managed to survive and leave the hall, or they immediately published red-handed to show what was happening.
People left the concert hall screaming to the sounds People left the concert hall screaming to the sound of gunshots
But let's start with the video taken from the concert hall itself. In the video, you can see the first seconds of the attack and two men armed with machine guns. They were wearing a mask when they entered the hall and fired shots. You can see that people are lying behind them at the entrance. It can be assumed that they died from shelling by unknown persons.
Unknown persons with machine guns entered Crocus Hall City: watch the video
Terrorists shot people and then calmly went out into the street.
After the shooting, a fire broke out in the building.
According to the Fourth Studio with reference to Russian media, 100 visitors to the Russian Crocus City Hall were cut off by fire. Firefighters are unable to start rescue operations because they are waiting for special forces, Russian media reported.
Subsequently, 40 people were reported dead and more than 100 injured as a result of the shooting at Crocus City Hall.
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