A car at high speed drove into a group of people who were crossing a pedestrian crossing.

The other day in Szczecin (northwestern Poland), an unknown person in a car at a pedestrian crossing on Friday hit many people and fled the scene, causing an accident with four more cars.
According to TVN24, 12 people are in serious condition as a result of the emergency.
"According to available information, a car at high speed drove into a group of people who were crossing a pedestrian crossing. Fleeing the scene, he caused an accident with four cars. At the moment, we have 12 seriously wounded," said Tomasz Kubiak, spokesman for the Fire Service of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship.
According to him, the number of victims is growing, as passengers of cars encountered by the fugitive in his car are also asking for help.
Among the 20 victims as a result of a car driving into a crowd in the center of the Polish city of Szczecin, which occurred on Friday afternoon, are six citizens of Ukraine: four women and a man aged 20 to 42, as well as a five-year-old boy.
This was announced by the voivode of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Adam Rudavski, Ukrinform reports with reference to Gazeta Wyborcza.
"In total, we have 20 victims aged five to 62 years. Among the wounded are six children, six victims are citizens of Ukraine," Rudavsky said.
According to him, two victims, aged 22 and 58, are in critical condition, four more victims are in serious condition.
The victims were taken to seven hospitals in the region.
18 rescue teams and 70 police officers were involved in the rescue operation.
As the Consul of Ukraine in Gdansk, Oleksandr Plodysty, told an Ukrinform correspondent.
"They received injuries of varying degrees of severity and are in three hospitals. A 41-year-old woman is in critical condition, her five-year-old child was also injured, who has a concussion," Plodystyi said.
According to him, today the doctor said that the condition of the woman, who is in critical condition, has stabilized, there is currently no threat to their life. The injured child will stay in the same hospital with his mother for another 2-3 days, he is taken care of by family friends.
The rest of the Ukrainians are in stable condition, their lives are not in danger.
The Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Szczecin, Henryk Kolodiy, together with the Voivode of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, visited the victims and talked to doctors.
According to Plodysty, Ukrainians receive all the necessary medical care. He noted that there could be no question of any payment for treatment, although one of the women does not have Polish health insurance, as she came from Germany.
"There is no question of payment, because the reasoning is clear: this is force majeure that could not be calculated, they are victims of a crime," said the Consul of Ukraine in Gdansk.
Read also: Shocking case in Warsaw: Ukrainian woman brutally raped in front of passers-by - media
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